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Cancer Organizations / Foundations

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation


The Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation (ACCRF) seeks to accelerate the development of improved therapies and a cure for adenoid cystic carcinoma, a rare malignancy that typically originates in the salivary glands and other regions of the head and neck. In pursuit of its mission, ACCRF works to build a community of interested researchers who collaborate in implementing an innovative Research Agenda.


Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Organization International


Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Organization International (ACCOI) is dedicated to furthering research, raising awareness and providing education regarding the rare adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC). ACCOI’s website provides ACC patients and caregivers with information on research, clinical trials, treatment, organizations offering help with medical expenses, and much more. In addition to ACCOI’s website, ACCOI maintains an online support group for ACC patients and caregivers and an online doctors’ forum where doctors with an interest in ACC can share information on treatment and research. It also provides a quarterly newsletter in hard copy to various hospitals, as well as at its website.


American Society of Clinical Oncology


The American Society of Clinical Oncology is a nonprofit organization, which represents 15,000 cancer professionals worldwide; the society offers scientific and educational programs and a wide range of other initiatives intended to foster the exchange of information about cancer.


Association of Cancer Online Resources​


ACOR offers information and support through its integrated sytem of online discussion groups. To further its mission, ACOR creates specific websites and also hosts a growing number of websites, created by patients, caregivers, cancer advocacy organizations, and professional organizations. 


Association of Oncology Social Work


The Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to increasing awareness about the social, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of cancer patients. AOSW’s mission is to advance excellence in the psychosocial care of persons with cancer, their families, and caregivers through: Networking. Education, Advocacy, Research and Resource Development. It supports its members’ commitment to advocating for cancer patients by providing continuing education through conferences and publications; promoting clinical research; and fostering networking to address common issues and concerns. It is involved in numerous collaborative efforts with other national and international oncology organizations to advocate for the support and care of people with cancer.


CancerCare Inc.


Since 1944, Cancer Care has been dedicated to providing emotional support, information, and practical help to people with cancer and their loved ones. They have helped over two million people nationwide through toll-free Counseling Lines and teleconference programs, their office-based services, and via the Internet. All services are provided free of charge and are available to people of all ages, with all types of cancer, at any stage of the disease. Their reach, including its cancer awareness initiatives, also extends to family members, caregivers, and professionals, providing vital information and assistance.


Fertile Hope


Fertile Hope is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility. Fertile Hope is currently pursuing strategies in the following five areas: research, awareness, education, financial assistance and support. The organization will strive to advance fertility research, help advance the understanding of fertility risks and preservation options, allow and encourage personal educated decisions, make preservation treatments available regardless of economic status and help patients cope with important family planning issues. 


The National Comprehensive Cancer Network


The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is a non-profit corporation that is an alliance of the world’s leading cancer centers. Established in 1995 to enhance the leadership role of member institutions in the evolving managed care environment, the NCCN seeks to support and strengthen the mission of member institutions in three basic areas: To provide state-of-the-art cancer care to the greatest number of patients in need,To advance the state of the art in cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment through excellence in basic and clinical research, and To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of cancer care delivery through the ongoing collection, synthesis and analysisof outcomes data.


Support for People with Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC)



A patient support organization that provides group and individual emotional support. Through this service, patients or their family members are matched with volunteers who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment program. They have month meetings usually coordinated with a cancer center and facility staff. A newsletter is available by paid subscription 9 times per year.


Quackwatch, Inc


Quackwatch, Inc., a member of Consumer Federation of America, is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to combat health-related frauds, myths, and fallacies. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere. Founded by Dr. Stephen Barrett in 1969 as the Lehigh Valley Committee Against Health Fraud, it was incorporated in 1970. In 1997, it assumed its current name and began developing a worldwide network of volunteers and expert advisors.


Vital Options


Vital Options TeleSupport Cancer Network is a non-profit cancer communications, support and advocacy organization dedicated to using communications technology to help people cope with cancer and whose mission is to facilitate a global cancer dialogue. Vital Options is the producer of The Group Room—the nationally syndicated radio call-in cancer talk show which reaches more than half-a-million radio listeners each Sunday throughout the United States as well as others worldwide who hear the show simulcast live over the Internet ( This interactive website also provides cancer information and resources, as well as access to past broadcasts of The Group Room and toll free phone numbers for callers in the United States (1-800-GRP-ROOM; 1-800-477-7666) and Europe to enter live on-air discussions.




WebWhispers was started in 1996 for those who had questions about larynx cancer treatments, surgery, recovery, and what life is like after laryngectomy surgery.  It is among the largest support group for individual laryngectomy survivors of larynx and other throat cancers.  



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